Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet

Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet

Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet is a 2024 Pakistani drama aired on ARY Digital. Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet drama cast name, story, writer, director, release date, day & timing, OST, and other details.
The main cast of drama Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet includes Iqra Aziz , Hamza Sohail. The supporting cast of the drama serial Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet includes Sami Khan , Raza Samo, Shabbir Jaan, Zainab Qayyum, Khaled Anam, Shaheera Jalil Alb, Ayesha Jahanzaib.

Dive into the narrative of Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet, where the spotlight shines on Farhad, fondly known as Romeo, portrayed by Hamza Sohail, and Freeya, the Juliet of the story, brought to life by Iqra Aziz. Farhad, a fearless young man, finds himself entangled in a web of love with the young and confident Freeya. As the romance between Romeo and Juliet blossoms, the harsh realities of society intervene, threatening to tear the star-crossed lovers apart.

Initially setting the stage as a charming rom-com, viewers are treated to glimpses of Ajiya from Suno Chanda in Iqra Aziz, while Hamza Sohail takes on a daring persona. However, the narrative of Burns Road Kay Romeo and Juliet takes an unexpected turn, evolving into a tragic love story. The drama unfolds the poignant question of whether the lovers can defy societal pressures and find a way to unite, or if the relentless forces of society will crush their love. Amidst the twists and turns, the storyline holds onto the hope for a triumphant and joyous resolution, adding an element of suspense and emotion to this captivating drama.

Release Date: 06 Feb 2024
Timing: Monday and Tuesday 8:00 PM