Mayi Ri

Mayi Ri

Mayi Ri is a 2023 Pakistani drama aired on Ary Digital. Mayi Ri drama cast name, story, writer, director, release date, day & timing, OST, and other details. The main cast of this drama includes Aina Asif,
Samar Abbas Jafri, Noman Ijaz, Maria Wasti, Maya Khan, Sajida Syed, Paras Masroor, Usman Mazhar, Amna Malik, and Bismah Babar.

Mayi Ri stands as a captivating drama, shining light on the harsh realities of our society. The storyline eloquently sheds light on the dark issue of child marriage plaguing our communities.

Annie, a vibrant 15-year-old schoolgirl, finds herself entangled in a forced marriage with her underage cousin due to her uncle’s testament. As the narrative unfolds, the play masterfully illustrates the perilous aftermath of child marriages, forever shattering innocent childhoods. Nauman Ijaz portrays Zaheer, a thriving entrepreneur, and the family’s elder statesman. Following the demise of his parents, he becomes the pillar of support for his siblings, steering the family away from destitution. His perspective leans towards traditional values.

Samar Abbas takes on the role of Fakhir, Zaheer’s 16-year-old son. Fakhir’s lackadaisical approach to his studies causes his father considerable concern. Aina Asif embodies Annie, Zaheer’s niece, who displays exceptional academic prowess. Sadly, her father perceives her, along with her sister, as burdens. Annie refrains from forming an attachment with her mother, fearing a similar fate.

Maria Wasti portrays Samina, Zaheer’s wife, whose beliefs are less conservative than her husband’s. She advocates for Fakhir’s autonomy in decision-making, though her efforts often meet resistance. Maya Khan brings to life Ayesha, Annie’s mother, who vehemently opposes marrying her daughter off at such a tender age. Trapped in the patriarchal system, she grapples to assert herself. Release Date August 2, 2023 And Timing Daily 8pm (PKT).

Mayi Ri Last Episode

Mayi Ri Episode 65

Mayi Ri Episode 64

Mayi Ri Episode 63

Mayi Ri Episode 62

Mayi Ri Episode 61

Mayi Ri Episode 60

Mayi Ri Episode 59

Mayi Ri Episode 58

Mayi Ri Episode 57